
Don't shit where you sleep.

I was fortuntate to have this advice imparted to me before it came to bite me in the ass. Like every good piece of advice, I've tried to share the sentiment whenever appropriate. Unfortunately, folks don't want to listen. Sometimes, folks just gotta learn things the hard way.

Did ya'll catch Spike Lee's When the Levees Broke? Truly mandatory viewing. Fuel for the ABW fire.

And why does every female I know think they're bringing Sexy back? When did Sexy leave? I missed that...

1 comment:

SunFresh said...

Sexyback is a state of mind. It never left per se, but I know for a while, I wasn't working out, wasn't caring too much about the hair etc...so it's a commitment to treating yourself right. And when you do yourself right...you can do others better...and that my dear is sexy :-).