
buy low. sell high. get out.

housing limbo begins tomorrow. the peoples are feeling sentimental. separation anxiety is to be expected because time creates false attachments. what is a house but bricks, wood, and paint? lincoln street taught me that. home is where the family is, but a house is an investment. buy low, sell high, get out, move on. i'm the first to complain about moving, especially with so much on our collective plates. i hate the unsettledness of it all. however, i definitely don't feel the sense of attachment i used to feel. i suppose age and experience has taught me that things change. nowadays, when i get to feeling sentimental, i recognize that memory favors the happy moments. all i have to do is take a moment to dig up some dirt, flashback to a not-so-happy moment, and begin to look forward again. no need to fear the unknown. all i need to know i learned from listening to luther - 'a chair is still a chair...'

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