
dan rather for president

yo... dan rather needs to run for president. after all his years of investigating, surely he know some things the rest of us don't know, and surely by now he's developed some alternative plans of action... let the dude have an opinion and act on it. let's be real, folks ain't ever gon' be too politically involved. i know dan. i like dan. he'd give a damn good speech from the oval office. he's actually BEEN to iraq. been to vietnam. been to every other war zone... probably has a clearer idea of how much the rest of the world is ready to nlow us up, 'cause george is clueless. let's get a third party going and elect dan rather for president ya'll. can we do a massive write-in campaign? that would be hot. start speading the word.

oooh tonight i met this absolutely adorable skater dude named dave. i found my 2006 w.b.c. - all is right with the world again. dave rode his skateboard down and hill for me. i tried to skateboard and he held my hands, and i so pulled that dizty white girly girl act, like heidi from 'the hils.' i hope i see him again soon. i would come back to vt for some skater dave.

write-in dan rather for president 2008.

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